FAQ on Valve Replacement & Valve Repair

Q1. What are heart valves?
Ans: Heart valves are small but critical component of heart. They make sure that blood flows unidirectional in right direction.

Q2: How many valves are there in our heart?
Ans; There are four valve in our heart Mitral, Aortic, Tricuspid and Pulmonary. Out of these four Mitral and Aortic are more prone to get damaged.

Q3: How our heart valves get damaged?
Ans: Sometimes heart valves are damaged by birth , while in most cases they get damaged due to various diseases like Rheumatic heart disease, Infective Endocarditis , Coronary artery disease,etc. Due to this either valve become too tight that limits forward flow (stenotic valve) or becomes leaky valve that does not close tightly (regurgitant valve).

Q4. What are the treatment options available for to treat damaged heart valves?
Ans: Mainly two treatment options are available: Valve Repair and valve replacement. If heart valve is badly damaged then only replacement option is a viable option.

Q5: Do valve repairs fail in future?
Ans: Though valve repair is always better then replacement but due to continue rheumatic rheumatic activity most of these patients will require valve replacement in future.

Q6- What are the signs & symptoms of Valve disease ?
Ans: The most common symptoms are Discomfort in chest ,chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue & weakness ,swelling in legs ,ankle & feet.

Q7: What are various types of commercially available heart valve?
Ans: Though there are various types of heart valve available, but broadly they are classified into two categories: Mechanical Heart valve and Bio prosthetic Heart valve.

Q8: What is the difference between the two?
Ans: Patients with mechanical heart valve has to take lifelong anticoagulation to prevent formation of dangerous blood clot on their valve, they also need to undergo repeated blood test PT/INR. , while patients with bio prosthetic heart valve  needs to take anticoagulation for only 3 months, but these bio prosthetic valve can degenerate with time and thus requiring reoperation.

Q9: How safe is now valve replacement/repair surgery?
Ans; Now a days with so much of technological advancements, the risk of complications in  valve replacement surgery is less than 5%.

Q10: What will be life after heart surgery?
Ans: Most patients who receive a new heart valve are able to lead a more active and fulfilling life then before surgery.

Q11: What precautions I need to take after valve replacement?
Ans;  1. Take all your medications as prescribed.
  1. See your doctor regularly to check that anticoagulation in your body is at correct level.
  2. Follow heart healthy diet.
  3. Follow an approved exercise programme..
  4. Inform your dentist and doctor that you have an artificial heart valve-as they may prescribe additional medications before dental or medical procedure.
