What you can do about your child asthma?
Some important facts about treatment
World Asthma Day takes place each
year on the first Tuesday in May. The aim is to raise awareness of asthma and
improve asthma care throughout the world.
Asthma is the most common chronic
disorder in children. It is a condition of inflammation of the lungs. The best
treatment is inhaled steroids.When you take inhalation therapy,the steroid
medicine goes directly through the lungs and has minimum side effects.When
steroids are taken in tablet or syrup formulation the dose is much higher and
most of it is absorbed in the rest of the body, not just lungs.Usage of oral
steroids tablets regularly can have serious side effects such as weight
gain,diabetes,cataracts,gastritis,and osteoporosis. Thesteroid in your inhaler
contains corticosteroids and issafe. Thus inhalation therapy for asthma using
MDI, Spacer and mask is a safe and effective way of treatment for asthma in
What is Asthma? Is it common in children?
Ans: Asthma is a characterized by bronchial hyper responsiveness
and reversible airflow obstruction.it is reversible obstructive airway
disease.it is a very common problem in children .The prevalence varies from 2
to 20 % in different parts of India.
What are the common symptoms of childhood asthma?
Ans: Recurrent respiratory symptoms are cough, shortness of
breath, wheezing (noisy breathing), and chest tightness. These symptoms respond
very well to bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory therapy.
What are the risk factors for the development of asthma in child?
Ans: Atopy in the child or the parents constitutes the most
important risk factor. Various genes have been linked to development of asthma
and also to its severity. Lack of breast feeding exposure to dust, mites other
allergens, change in weather, emotional stress, and respiratory infections may
trigger asthma.
Answered By: Dr.PrinceParakh,MD
FISPN, Consultant Paediatrics&
Neotia Getwel Healthcare Centre
Uttarayon, behind city Centre,
Ph- 0353 3053000/3041
W: www.neotiagetwelsiliguri.com
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