Stroke:a blow out of blue
Stroke is one of the
top leading causes of death and disabilities worldwide, impact of which could
be understood by the statement- “there is one new stroke every other second,
every six seconds stroke killssomeone, and one in six will have stroke during
his lifetime”.
Types of stroke:
It is mainly of two types,viz ischemic stroke, wherein the
blood supply to the brain is blocked ,and hemorrhagicstroke, wherein the blood
vessels get ruptured within the brain .
How to recognize stroke:
Stroke can be recognized by the acronym FAST(Face,Arms,Speech,and
Time) -explained below:
Face – Sudden numbness or
dropping of face
Arm - Weakness of Arm (or
any leg)
Speech–Sudden confusion or
trouble in speaking
Time: Act fast within 3 reduces brain damage and disability
Risk factors :
There are mainly two types of risk factors, modifiable and non-modifiable
risk factors, important ones are as follow:
a) Non modifiable –
•Family history
•Family history
b) Modifiable -
•Arterial Hypertension
•Transient ischemic attack
•Prior stroke
•Asymptomatic carotid bruit/stenosis
•Cardiac disease
•Diabetes mellitus
•Cigarrete smoking
•Alcohol consumption
•Increased fibrinogen
•Lack of physical activity
•Low serum folate
•Oral contraceptive use
•Elevated homocysteine
•Arterial Hypertension
•Transient ischemic attack
•Prior stroke
•Asymptomatic carotid bruit/stenosis
•Cardiac disease
•Diabetes mellitus
•Cigarrete smoking
•Alcohol consumption
•Increased fibrinogen
•Lack of physical activity
•Low serum folate
•Oral contraceptive use
•Elevated homocysteine
Diagnosis is chiefly clinical aided by imaging. Sudden onset
symptoms include weakness of one side of face or limbs, slurred speech
difficulty swallowing, doublevision, vertigo or sensory complaints. CT scan and
MRI of brain are the two diagnostic tools for evaluating stroke patients, MRI
being superior to CT.
Treatment depends on the types of stroke but basics to all
treatment is the time “time means brain “, earlier the treatment started better
the result.
For ischemic stroke within golden period (< 3 Hrs.) IV
TPA (Clot buster medicine) is used in selected [patients with fairly good
result .Anti platelets, anticoagulantsetc. are used for secondary prophylaxis.
For hemorrhagic stroke, normalization of intracranial
pressure with watch on other risk factors like hypertension,
diabetesdyslipidemias, etc mainstay of treatment. Rescue surgery like
hemicraniectomy may be done to allow the brain to expand and relieve the
intracranial pressure.
The best
way to prevent a stroke is to address the underlying causes: this is best done
by staying healthy which means eating a healthy diet
•Maintaining a healthy weight
•Exercise regularly
•Not smoking
•Avoiding alcohol or moderating consumption
•Exercise regularly
•Not smoking
•Avoiding alcohol or moderating consumption
Stroke not only has physical but emotional dimensions too,hence stroke management includes physical as well as social and emotional rehabilitation. Following are the components of stroke rehabilitation.
a) Speech therapy- to help with problems related to producing or understanding speech. Practice relaxation and changing communication style &using gestures or different tones.
b) Physical therapy- to help a person regain movement and coordination.
c) Occupational therapy: to help a person to improve their ability to carry out routine dailyactivities.
d) Joining a support group: to help with common mental health problems such as depression that can occur after stroke. Manyfind it useful to share common experiences and exchange information.
By Dr.SwayamPrakash, MD, DM (Neurology),SCE (Neurology RCP-UK)
a) Speech therapy- to help with problems related to producing or understanding speech. Practice relaxation and changing communication style &using gestures or different tones.
b) Physical therapy- to help a person regain movement and coordination.
c) Occupational therapy: to help a person to improve their ability to carry out routine dailyactivities.
d) Joining a support group: to help with common mental health problems such as depression that can occur after stroke. Manyfind it useful to share common experiences and exchange information.
By Dr.SwayamPrakash, MD, DM (Neurology),SCE (Neurology RCP-UK)
Sr.Consultant Neurology
NeotiaGetwel HealthcareCentre
NeotiaGetwel HealthcareCentre
Orthopedic Implants Manufacturer